Special Relativity in 14 Easy (Hyper)steps

9. Quantitative description of nonsimultaneity

Let's assume that all clocks on a ship are synchronized in the ship's rest frame, and that the clocks on each ship mounted next to the (smashed) antennas happened to read zero when the collision occurred. Let's also assume that each ship has a clock installed at each periscope.

Here's what we know:

Here's an animated GIF of the collision from Nostromo's perspective, using what we know.

We want to calculate how much out-of-synch the clocks on the moving ships are. Do it like this for the forward (moving) clock:

  1. Figure out how long it takes light to reach the forward periscope on the moving ship, according to clocks on the stationary ship.  If the light reaches the periscope Dt after the explosion, we'll have
  2. cDt = vDt + L
    where L is the distance from the antenna to a periscope in the rest frame of the moving ship. (L = 150 feet; the equation just says that the distance traveled by the light is the same as the sum of the distance traveled by the moving periscope [while the light was en route] and the Lorentz-contracted distance from the antenna to the periscope.)
  3. Figure out how much time passed on the moving ship's clocks during the time interval Dt which was measured by the stationary ship. (This time interval began with the destruction of the antennas and ended when observers on the stationary ship saw light reaching the forward periscope on the moving ship.) This one's easy: clocks on the moving ship tick slowly, so the amount of time passing on them is
Dt´ = Dt.
When you combine all the algebraic terms, you'll find that the forward clock reads an earlier time than the center clock, as you can see in the animation. The result is

Clocks towards the front of the moving ship read earlier times than clocks towards the back of the moving ship. At the time of the collision, according to observers on Nostromo, things looked like this: